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Top 15 Web Tagging Best Practices Recommended By Experts

Top 15 Web Tagging Best Practices Recommended By Experts

4 min read
June 8, 2023

Out of the total websites in the world, more than 40% are built using WordPress. That’s a huge number for any CMS platform and hence, there is a great chance that your website is built using WordPress. Also, you probably use the WordPress Contact Form 7 plugin for your website's contact us form.

So tracking of WordPress contact form 7 is extremely important.

We will show two ways to track WordPress contact form 7

  • Traditional Google tag manager way that would take a lot of time.
  • and Tagmate way! ( No Code set up and fast way) 😲
Key Takeaways
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  • nunc aliquet.

In the digital ecosystem of today, the significance of web tagging cannot be understated. It acts as a crucial cog in the digital marketing machinery, playing an instrumental role in gathering data, tracking user behavior, and driving marketing effectiveness. 

Web tags, essentially snippets of JavaScript code embedded on websites, help businesses collect vital information and gain insights into their website's performance, user interactions, and campaign success.

As we navigate this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the world of web tagging. We'll explore 16 expert-recommended best practices for performing a web tag audit – practices that have been tried, tested, and trusted by leading digital marketing professionals globally. 

From understanding the importance of maintaining a detailed inventory of tags to harnessing the power of Tag Management Systems (TMS), from ensuring privacy compliance to establishing a streamlined process for adding, modifying, or removing tags – we're about to embark on an exciting journey.

The key to unlocking a successful digital strategy lies within these best practices, each of which plays a vital role in enhancing data accuracy, website performance, and overall user experience. Rest assured, this guide will provide you with practical insights and actionable recommendations, paving the way for a more effective and efficient web tagging strategy.

Join me as we unravel the world of web tagging, and together, let's transform your digital strategy into a force to be reckoned with. 

Buckle up, and let's dive in!

1. Maintain Inventory of Tags

Understanding the depth and breadth of web tagging begins with an inventory of tags. This crucial step is not only the starting point of our journey but also the foundation upon which effective web tagging strategy is built. From the smallest personal blog to the largest multinational website, every digital platform benefits significantly from a comprehensive tag inventory.

A tag inventory is, in essence, a detailed catalog of all the tags deployed on a website. It typically includes information such as the tag's name, its purpose, the pages it resides on, its dependencies, and more. This inventory is an invaluable tool for ensuring data accuracy, improving website performance, and maintaining privacy compliance.

Creating a tag inventory might seem like an uphill task, especially for websites with a high number of pages or complex structures. However, the process can be simplified by breaking it down into three manageable steps:

  1. Identify the Tags: Start by identifying all the tags on your website. This can be done manually by inspecting the website's code, or with the help of automated tools that can scan and detect tags.
  2. Document the Tags: Once all tags have been identified, document them systematically. Information to record might include the tag's name, its function, the pages it's deployed on, and any other relevant details.
  3. Organize the Tags: After documenting the tags, organize them in a manner that makes sense for your operations. This could be by their function, the pages they're on, or any other criteria that suit your needs.

Remember, the tag inventory is not a one-time task but rather a living document that needs to be updated as tags are added, modified, or removed. This continuous updating not only keeps the inventory relevant but also allows you to monitor the evolving tagging landscape of your website, helping you stay on top of any changes and their potential impacts.

Creating and maintaining a comprehensive tag inventory is undeniably a vital aspect of an effective web tagging strategy. It's the bedrock upon which the following best practices we'll discuss are built. With a complete tag inventory at your disposal, you're well on your way to mastering web tagging and leveraging its full potential for your digital strategy.

2. Use a Tag Management System (TMS)

A Tag Management System, or TMS, can be best described as the director of a well-coordinated symphony that is your website's tagging strategy. It's an essential tool for any modern website, allowing seamless implementation, organization, and management of tags without necessitating extensive coding knowledge.

A Tag Management System (TMS) is, in essence, a centralized platform that provides a user-friendly interface to manage the myriad of tags on your website. This platform reduces the manual burden and potential errors associated with managing tags individually, resulting in efficient tag management that can improve your website's performance, data accuracy, and compliance with privacy regulations.

There are several TMS solutions available in the market, each with its unique strengths. Two of the leading ones include Google Tag Manager and Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager. Google Tag Manager, a free tool, is user-friendly and widely used, making it an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes. On the other hand, Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager offers advanced features suitable for large organizations with complex tagging needs.

Google Tag Manager is celebrated for its intuitive interface, comprehensive support resources, and seamless integration with other Google products. It offers robust functionality while maintaining ease of use, making it a popular choice for those new to tag management or businesses on a budget.

Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager, a part of Adobe Marketing Cloud, offers extensive functionality and is a good fit for larger enterprises with more complex requirements. It stands out for its powerful features, including its ability to manage rules for firing tags based on certain conditions and the flexibility it provides in customizing data collection.

Despite their differences, both these tools serve the primary function of efficient tag management. They allow for swift addition, removal, or modification of tags without altering the website's code, making them indispensable tools in your digital toolkit.

Choosing the right TMS depends on your specific needs and resources. While comparing different solutions, consider factors like the system's ease of use, compatibility with your existing infrastructure, cost, and the level of support provided by the vendor.

In essence, a TMS plays a pivotal role in efficient tag management. It serves as a control center for your tags, making their management less time-consuming and more effective. Adopting a TMS is an investment in improving your website's performance, ensuring accurate data collection, and enhancing your user's experience. With this powerful tool, you are well-equipped to manage your website's tags proficiently and drive your digital strategy towards success.

3. Leverage Automated Tag Automation Tools Like Tagmate

As we navigate the complex landscape of web tagging, automated tag monitoring tools emerge as indispensable companions. These tools, including popular options like Tagmate that provide an efficient, streamlined process to verify the accuracy and proper functionality of tags on a website.

Google Tag Assistant, a free Chrome extension, helps verify the installation of various Google tags, such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Google Tag Manager. It provides reports on tag health, assisting in identifying errors and suggesting improvements but it requires you to perform tasks manually. On the other hand, Tagmate, another effective monitoring tool, offers a wider tag coverage and advanced features, supporting a more extensive variety of tags and presenting a comprehensive report on tag performance.

The benefits of using automated tag creation tools like Tagmate are manifold. They save time and resources by automating the often tedious and complex process of tag monitoring/auditing. This allows you to focus on strategic decisions, knowing that the technical details of your tags are being accurately monitored and managed.

Moreover, Tagmate aids in ensuring data accuracy by identifying misplaced or incorrectly implemented tags. It provides comprehensive reports on the status of tags, pinpoints potential errors, and proposes corrective measures, eliminating the need for extensive manual checks. This contributes to improved data quality, a critical factor in making informed business decisions based on your website's performance.

Another major advantage of automated tag auditing tools like Tagmate is redundancy checks. It can identify and alert you to any tags that are duplicated or are no longer in use. This cleanup process contributes to a smoother, faster-loading website, enhancing user experience and potentially improving search engine rankings.

Thus, automated tag auditing tools like Tagmate are essential elements in a successful web tagging strategy. It provides a reliable, efficient way to manage tags, ensuring data accuracy, reducing redundancy, and ultimately empowering your website to perform at its best.

4. Understand Each Tag's Purpose

One of the fundamental best practices in web tagging lies in understanding the purpose of each tag. This knowledge offers numerous advantages, allowing you to efficiently manage your tags, make informed decisions about their usage, and ultimately optimize your website's performance.

Recognizing the purpose of each tag leads to improved clarity in data interpretation and stronger alignment with your overall digital strategy. This clarity can streamline your approach to tagging, prevent tag redundancy, and help you realize the full potential of the data gathered.

Several case studies from our users highlight the significance of understanding tag purposes. For instance, an online e-commerce platform found that by correctly using and understanding their conversion tracking tags, they were able to identify high-performing products and direct more traffic towards those pages. This resulted in increased sales and a significant improvement in their overall conversion rate.

In another case, a news website discovered through their analytics tags that most of their traffic was coming from social media platforms rather than search engines. Understanding the purpose of these tags enabled them to modify their content distribution strategy, prioritizing social media channels and resulting in increased readership and engagement.

Thus, understanding the purpose of each tag is critical to utilizing them effectively. It provides meaningful insights and actionable data, allowing you to align your website's performance with your business goals.

6. Checking Tag Dependencies

Understanding tag dependencies is an essential aspect of efficient web tagging. A tag dependency arises when one tag's functionality is reliant on another's, meaning the execution or output of one tag depends on another. For instance, a remarketing tag may depend on a conversion tracking tag to provide the necessary user behavior data.

Failure to manage these dependencies correctly can lead to significant issues, such as erroneous data collection, skewed analytics, or even complete tag failure. When dependencies are not appropriately resolved, tags may fire in the wrong order or not fire at all, disrupting the intended data flow and hindering the effectiveness of your digital strategy.

Here are some steps to effectively check tag dependencies:

  1. Mapping Tag Dependencies: Start by creating a visual map of all the tags on your website and their relationships. This allows you to quickly identify which tags are dependent on others, and helps ensure that your tags fire in the correct order.
  2. Use Tag Management Systems (TMS): These tools can help automate the process of checking and managing tag dependencies, and many have features that allow you to control the order in which tags fire.
  3. Regular Audits: Regularly check and test your tags to ensure they are functioning as expected. This includes testing your tags after every significant website update or addition of new tags, as changes can often disrupt existing dependencies.

Understanding and checking tag dependencies is a crucial part of managing your website's tags. By being mindful of these dependencies, you can better ensure that your tags work as intended and provide accurate, meaningful data.

7. Streamline Tag Placement

Correct tag placement is an integral part of any web tagging strategy. A well-placed tag can improve data accuracy, aid in data collection and analytics, and enhance the user experience on your site.

However, there are common issues that can arise from improper tag placement. Placing a tag in the wrong area can lead to incorrect or inconsistent data collection, as the tag may fire too early or too late, or not at all. In some cases, poorly placed tags can even interfere with your website's functionality or performance, slowing page load times or causing glitches in user-facing features.

Here are some recommendations to ensure proper tag placement:

  • Placement in the Right Location: In general, tags should be placed in the head of your HTML document. This ensures that they are loaded and executed early in the page rendering process, which can be especially important for analytics or tracking tags that need to capture data as soon as the page begins to load.
  • Order of Tags: The order in which tags are placed can be critical. As a rule, tags that are dependencies for others should be placed before those that depend on them. This ensures that all necessary data or functions are available when a dependent tag fires.
  • Use Tag Management Systems (TMS): A TMS can help automate tag placement, ensuring that your tags are always in the correct place and order. Some systems can also alert you to potential issues with your tag placements, such as tags that are likely to slow page load times.
  • Test and Validate: Always test your tags after placing them to ensure they are firing correctly and capturing the intended data. This can help catch any issues early, before they impact your data or website performance.

We can conclude that proper tag placement is an essential part of a well-managed web tagging strategy. By considering the location, order, and testing of your tags, you can help ensure that they perform as intended and provide accurate, useful data.

8. Conduct Redundancy Checks

Checking for tag redundancy is a crucial step in optimizing your web tagging practices. Redundant tags - those that duplicate the information or purpose of others - can lead to a variety of challenges that can impact your data quality and site performance.

Tag redundancy can result in data inflation, where duplicate data can overstate the metrics, leading to misleading interpretations. Additionally, redundant tags can slow down your site performance by burdening the browser with extra processing, which can negatively affect user experience by increasing page load times and potentially lead to higher bounce rates.

The following steps can be employed to conduct an effective redundancy check:

  1. Create a Tag Inventory: Start by making an exhaustive list of all the tags present on your website. This forms the foundation for identifying redundant tags.
  2. Assess Tag Functionality: Understand the function or purpose of each tag. This can help identify tags that are performing the same function.
  3. Compare Data from Tags: Check the data collected by each tag. If two or more tags are gathering the same data, they could be redundant.
  4. Eliminate Redundant Tags: After identifying redundant tags, they should be removed to maintain a clean tag environment. This process should be carried out carefully to avoid eliminating important tags inadvertently.
  5. Conduct Regular Reviews: Your website is dynamic, and its requirements may change with time. Therefore, it is important to conduct regular reviews of your tags and the data they're collecting to spot potential redundancies.

Thus, conducting regular redundancy checks is key to maintaining an efficient and effective web tagging strategy. By regularly removing redundant tags, you can ensure your data remains accurate and your website operates at its optimal performance. More importantly, you need to follow the above-mentioned web tagging best practices for performing redundancy checks. However, if you are following these best practices, redundancy checks are a complete no brainer and won’t consume much of your time.

9. Ensure Privacy Compliance

In an era where data privacy has taken center stage not only among internet users but legislators, understanding and complying with data privacy regulations becomes a prerequisite for implementing any form of data collection, including web tagging. Major regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States, have clear guidelines that organizations must follow to maintain users' privacy.

To ensure that your web tagging strategy is compliant with these privacy laws, consider the following steps:

  1. Familiarize Yourself with Regulations: Start by understanding the various data privacy regulations that apply to your website, depending on its reach and the location of your users. This might involve studying GDPR, CCPA, and other similar regulations.
  2. Explicit Consent: These regulations generally require user consent before any form of tracking can take place. Make sure your website has mechanisms to capture and record explicit user consent before any tags are fired.
  3. Transparency: It's important to communicate to your users what information is being collected and for what purpose. This can typically be done through a privacy policy or a similar notice on your website.
  4. Data Minimization: Only collect data that is absolutely necessary. These privacy regulations advocate for data minimization, so unnecessary data collection can lead to non-compliance.
  5. Tag Management System: Use a tag management system (TMS) to centralize control of your tags, making it easier to ensure they are all in compliance with relevant privacy laws.

Read Tagmate’s super guide on Personal Data, Personal Information (PII)

One of our excellent case studies of privacy compliance in web tagging comes from a multinational technology company. Faced with a large number of users from both Europe and the US (including California region), they needed a comprehensive privacy strategy to handle different regulations. 

By leveraging a GTM in tandem with Tagmate and a Consent Management Platform (CMP), they implemented an automated consent management mechanism. This ensured that tags only fired after users gave explicit consent, bringing their web tagging into compliance with GDPR and CCPA and providing a clear and respectful privacy experience for their users.

Privacy compliance is an essential part of any web tagging strategy. It not only maintains the trust of your users but also keeps your operations on the right side of the law. Always remember that respecting user privacy is paramount in today's digital age.

10. Monitor Tag Performance

Website performance is one of the key indicators of user experience. Every additional web tag can potentially impact this performance due to the load it places on your website. In this light, we dive into the importance of maintaining efficient tag performance without sacrificing the quality of data collection.

Web tags, though small in size, can collectively contribute to slower loading times if not managed well. Each tag is a piece of JavaScript code that needs to be loaded and executed by the user's browser. When there are too many tags or if the tags are not optimized, it can lead to increased load time, negatively affecting user experience and potentially impacting SEO rankings.

Read Top 11 SEO Benefits of Server-Side Tagging

In order to measure the performance of your tags, you might use several techniques. One such technique involves the use of performance monitoring tools, like Google's Lighthouse or WebPageTest, which provide metrics related to load time, blocking time, and other essential aspects related to website performance.

To enhance tag performance without compromising on data collection, consider these strategies:

  1. Selective Tagging: Limit the number of tags on your website. Only include those necessary for your data collection and business requirements.
  2. Tag Management Systems (TMS): Utilize a TMS to manage and optimize your tags. This tool not only organizes your tags but can also defer non-critical tags until after the page has loaded.
  3. Asynchronous Loading: This technique allows multiple tags to load at the same time, rather than one after the other, reducing total load time.
  4. Regular Auditing: Regularly check your tags for any that are outdated or no longer needed. This can help keep the number of tags to a minimum and ensure that they are all performing optimally.

The performance of your tags is a direct contributor to your website's overall performance. By effectively managing and regularly auditing your tags, you can enhance user experience, improve SEO, and continue collecting high-quality data to drive your business decisions. Always remember that a fast website is a better-feeling website.

11. Updating Outdated Tags

As our digital landscapes evolve at a breakneck speed, staying up-to-date becomes the key to survival. This principle applies equally to the world of web tagging, where outdated tags can pose serious threats to your website's performance, data accuracy, and user experience.

Let's delve deeper into the risks associated with outdated tags. Primarily, they can cause skewed data or incorrect analytics, damaging the overall quality of your data. In some cases, they may also affect website performance or cause security vulnerabilities, compromising the integrity and safety of your website.

Given the potential problems, it's essential to maintain an ongoing process for identifying and updating outdated tags. 

Here are a few steps to consider:

  1. Regular Audits: Conduct routine audits of your tags to check their relevance and performance. Tools like Google Tag Manager can assist in this process by providing an overview of all the tags present on your site.
  2. Update Tag Versions: Make sure you're using the most recent version of each tag. Updated versions often come with performance enhancements and security patches that make them more reliable and secure.
  3. Removal of Unnecessary Tags: If a tag no longer serves its intended purpose or if the service it was tracking is no longer in use, promptly remove it. This not only optimizes tag performance but also simplifies data analysis by eliminating unnecessary information.

When it comes to case studies demonstrating the benefits of updating tags, consider the example of another  Tagmate user, a leading e-commerce company (details withheld due to confidentiality reasons). They identified that their tags were outdated and affecting their website performance and data quality. Post a comprehensive audit and update process, they experienced a significant improvement in site loading speed and saw an instant 60% increase in data accuracy, directly impacting their marketing decisions and, consequently, their bottom line.

Maintaining updated tags might seem like a daunting task, but the benefits it brings in terms of data accuracy, website performance, and security make it an essential best practice in your web tagging strategy. 

Remember, a well-tagged website is a well-performing website, and an essential asset in your digital marketing arsenal.

12. Conduct Security Checks

In an interconnected digital environment, where data is the new oil, ensuring data security becomes paramount. Just as you would check the security of a physical lock, ensuring the safety of your tag sources, or where your tags come from, is a critical part of a robust web tagging strategy.

So, why is tag source verification so important? Unverified or malicious tags can compromise your website's security, potentially leading to data breaches or exposure of sensitive information. Furthermore, they can impact your website's performance and result in a sub-optimal user experience.

Here's a simple process to conduct a tag source security check:

  1. Know Your Tag Sources: Start by having a clear understanding of all the third-party services your tags are connected to. These could range from marketing automation tools to customer relationship management (CRM) software.
  2. Verify Trustworthiness: Ensure that all third-party services you're connected to are trustworthy. This could be done by checking their reputation, security certifications, and customer reviews.
  3. Regular Audits: Just like you would with outdated tags, regular audits can help identify any unverified or potentially malicious tags. Consider using automated tools to help streamline this process.

The potential impact of unverified tags cannot be underestimated. Aside from potential security breaches, unverified tags can also lead to incorrect data being collected and reported. As such, it's essential to ensure that all your tags come from verified sources.

Keep in mind, secure tagging isn't just about protecting your data; it's about building trust with your users. After all, in the world of digital marketing, trust is the foundation upon which user engagement and conversions are built.

13. Implement Continuous Documentation

Navigating the world of web tagging without a map can be like traversing a dense forest without a compass. Documentation serves as this map, providing clarity, reducing errors, and increasing efficiency.

So, why is comprehensive and updated tag documentation crucial? It enables clear communication among team members, reduces the time spent troubleshooting, and ensures continuity even when there are changes within the team. Moreover, documentation provides a foundation for audits, and aids in preserving data integrity.

Here are some key components to include in your tag documentation:

  1. Tag Overview: Provide a brief description of each tag, including its purpose, and the data it collects. This can serve as a quick reference for your team members.
  2. Implementation Details: Include details about how the tag is implemented, which pages it's on, and any dependencies or triggers it has. This can help with troubleshooting and maintenance.
  3. Change Log: Keep a record of any changes made to the tag, including the date, who made the change, and why it was made. This can provide insights into past issues and how they were resolved.
  4. Data Dictionary: Maintain a dictionary that defines all the variables, data layers, and events used in your tags. This promotes consistency in your data collection and interpretation.

Documentation isn't just about writing down details; it's about making complex tagging environments understandable and manageable. Let's consider a case where a company with an expansive website faced difficulties due to lack of proper tag documentation. By creating comprehensive tag documentation, they were able to reduce the time spent troubleshooting by 40% and significantly improve their data accuracy.

Remember, documentation is a living entity and should be updated regularly as your tagging needs evolve.

14. Perform Regular Audits

Even with the best practices in place, web tagging can go astray due to numerous factors like website updates, changes in third-party platforms, and human error. This is where regular tag audits step in, providing an important safeguard to ensure your web tagging strategy stays on course.

But, what does a tag audit entail? It's essentially a check-up for your website tags, involving the examination of various aspects:

  1. Tag Functionality: Confirm whether all tags are firing as they should, capturing the right data, and transmitting it to the correct destinations.
  2. Data Quality: Check for inconsistencies or errors in the data being collected. Look for anomalies such as unusually high or low metrics, data that doesn't match across platforms, or missing data.
  3. Tag Redundancies and Absences: Identify any unnecessary duplicate tags that could be slowing down your website or skewing your data. Also, look for any missing tags that should be capturing valuable data.
  4. Compliance: Ensure all tags are in line with privacy regulations and your own privacy policy.

As to how often you should conduct tag audits, it largely depends on the complexity of your website and the dynamism of your business. For a relatively stable website, bi-annual audits might suffice, while a more dynamic or complex site might require quarterly or even monthly audits. Adapt your audit frequency to the pace of changes in your tagging environment.

Read our blog on why you should audit your website tags now.

Regular audits not only keep your tags in optimal health but also make sure your data remains accurate, reliable, and actionable. An ounce of prevention, in this case, is indeed worth a pound of cure.

15. Establishing a Process

Building on the collaboration and best practices we've discussed thus far, establishing a clearly defined process for tag management is the next crucial step. This systematic approach can streamline operations, reduce errors, and ensure consistency.

Importance of a Defined Process: An organized tagging process can mitigate risks of incorrect data collection, prevent tag duplication or omission, and foster better understanding of tagging requirements across all stakeholders.

Steps for Establishing an Efficient Tagging Process

  1. Needs Analysis: Understand what data needs to be collected. This step should involve stakeholders like digital marketers and data analysts.
  2. Tag Implementation: This is where the actual code is placed on your website. Typically, this would be a job for your web development team.
  3. Verification: Once the tags are in place, you'll need to verify if they're collecting data as expected. Tools like Google Tag Assistant can be handy here.
  4. Maintenance: Regular reviews and updates are vital to keep your tags relevant and effective.

Importance of Review and Testing in the Process:

Review and testing of website tags are not just one-time activities. As your business evolves, so do your data needs. Regular audits of your tagging setup are essential to ensure that it continues to meet your changing requirements.

Also, testing new tags before going live can prevent many potential issues. For instance, a tag might be functioning correctly but slowing down your website, a problem that can be identified and fixed during the testing phase.

Remember, an efficient process isn't established overnight. It involves iterative refinements based on experience and learning. The goal should be to create a process that's effective, efficient, and adaptable to your changing needs.

Wrap Up

As we draw to the close of this comprehensive guide, it's important to recap the fundamentals that we've addressed. Web tagging is an essential component of successful online business operations, playing a crucial role in tracking user behavior, refining marketing strategies, and improving website performance.

From understanding different types of tags to ensuring privacy compliance, optimizing tag performance, conducting regular audits, and more, implementing these best practices can elevate your web tagging strategy to new heights.

Notably, the importance of keeping your tags updated, conducting security checks, maintaining proper documentation, and ensuring effective stakeholder collaboration cannot be understated. Each of these facets contributes to creating a robust and efficient web tagging ecosystem.

Finally, the establishment of a clear and systematic process for tag management lies at the heart of successful web tagging. Remember that this is an iterative process, open to continuous refinement and improvement as per your changing business needs and market dynamics.

You might have observed that all of these web tagging best practices are interrelated and hence, your marketing analytics team must ingrain them in their web tagging strategy to maximize results.

Now that you're equipped with these expert-recommended best practices, it's time to take action. Implement these strategies, refine them according to your unique requirements, and watch your website's performance soar. 

Want to automate implementation of web tagging and ensure that all of these best practices are taken care of?

Enter Tagmate. It is a SaaS web tagging tool that takes care of the entire GA4 implementation process and even takes care of server-side tagging implementation. Tagmate’s debugger module also provides automated tag monitoring and reporting features while allowing you to fix issues with just a few clicks.

Sounds interesting? With 40+ pre-built templates, you can be a web tagging superhero and do all the work by yourself in a matter of minutes without breaking the bank.

Try Tagmate for free now!

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