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Step-by-step guide to writing a cookie policy

Step-by-step guide to writing a cookie policy

4 min read
September 28, 2023

Out of the total websites in the world, more than 40% are built using WordPress. That’s a huge number for any CMS platform and hence, there is a great chance that your website is built using WordPress. Also, you probably use the WordPress Contact Form 7 plugin for your website's contact us form.

So tracking of WordPress contact form 7 is extremely important.

We will show two ways to track WordPress contact form 7

  • Traditional Google tag manager way that would take a lot of time.
  • and Tagmate way! ( No Code set up and fast way) 😲
Key Takeaways
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  • dolor sit
  • amet consectetur
  • Quam turpis pharetra
  • ut at cras non quis consectetur
  • sit cursusVel fermentum
  • posuere cras, diam est
  • nunc aliquet.

A cookie policy is an important document that explains how a website uses cookies and protects the privacy of its users. As awareness grows around data privacy and protection, having a clear and transparent cookie policy is essential for building user trust. 

But, how do you write a cookie policy that doesn’t sound like gobbledygook- yes, I have googled it for you:

How to write an effective cookie policy for your website?

Here’s how to write a good cookie policy the Tagmate style:

Write a Clear Introduction to Your Cookie Policy

The introduction is the first section of your cookie policy and sets the tone for the rest of the document. Its purpose is to explain what the policy is for and why it is important for your website visitors.

Begin your introduction by briefly describing what cookies are in simple terms. Explain that cookies are small text files that websites place on a user's browser or device to store information. You can provide an example to make it easier to understand - like how a cookie can remember login details so users don't have to enter them every time they visit your website.  

Emphasize that while cookies provide many conveniences to users, they also relate closely to user privacy. Websites have a responsibility to be transparent about their use of cookies and respect user consent. Highlight that your cookie policy will detail how your website handles cookies so users can make informed decisions.

You may want to note that many jurisdictions legally require websites that use cookies to disclose them and get user consent. Mention that your policy complies with relevant data protection and privacy laws. 

Assure users that you take privacy seriously and have created the policy to be as transparent as possible. Let them know they can reach out with any questions or concerns.

Close the introduction with a brief overview of what the policy will cover. For example, you can say it will explain what types of cookies your website uses, why they are used, how users can control cookie settings, and more. This brief glimpse into the sections provides context.

Keep the introduction concise at 1-2 paragraphs long. Use clear, reader-friendly language avoiding technical jargon. The goal is to orient users to the purpose and contents of the cookie policy so they can learn how your website handles their privacy. With a well-written introduction, you can set the right tone and help users better understand the rest of your cookie policy.

Definition and Explanation of Cookies

This section should provide a more in-depth definition and explanation of what cookies are and how they work. 

Start by clearly defining what a cookie is - a small text file that a website places on a user's computer or mobile device when they visit. Explain that cookies are created to identify the user's device and browser. 

Elaborate on the functionality of cookies. Discuss how they store certain information that helps websites remember users and their preferences. For example, cookies can record login information, what's in a shopping cart, language choices, and other data that can be retrieved later.

Describe the typical lifespan of a cookie. Note that session cookies last only while the user is visiting the website and are deleted when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies have a set expiration date and may last for hours, days, months, or years.

An important distinction to cover is between first- and third-party cookies. First-party cookies are set by the website domain being visited. Third-party cookies are set by other domains that run content like ads or analytics on the website. Emphasize that third-party cookies raise more privacy concerns.

Use clear explanations and examples to help readers truly understand cookies. Avoid using complex technical terminology that could confuse them. Consider including a summary table of key cookie characteristics.

Why Your Website Uses Cookies  

Here you should explain the specific reasons your website uses cookies. This transparency helps build user trust.

Start by noting cookies can improve the user experience in various ways. For example, they help remember login credentials so users don't have to enter them each visit. Discuss other conveniences like remembering shopping cart contents, customizations, and more.

Explain if your website uses cookies to track user behavior and monitor website performance. Google Analytics and other tools may employ cookies to gather statistics on visits, clicks, device data, location, page response times, and more.

If your website serves personalized ads, state this and mention targeting/advertising cookies involved. Be upfront about any user data collection for marketing purposes.

Reiterate that your policy outlines each cookie's purpose so users can make informed choices. Assure users you only use cookies that are necessary for providing services and meeting their needs based on your relationship.

Keep explanations clear and reader-friendly. Avoid vague or ambiguous language about why you use cookies. Being transparent can go a long way in building user trust.

Types of Cookies Used & Their Purposes

This section should provide a detailed breakdown of the specific cookie types used on your website. Organize them into clear categories along with their individual purposes.

Start by listing strictly necessary cookies needed for proper website functionality. These may include session cookies for technical operation and supporting features like shopping carts or login credentials. 

Next, identify any performance/analytics cookies your site uses to gather usage statistics for improving performance and design. List specific ones like Google Analytics cookies.

Discuss functionality cookies that enhance the user experience by remembering their preferences. Examples are language or location settings, font sizes, themes, and more. 

Finally, specify any third-party targeting/advertising cookies used for marketing. These help deliver relevant ads to users based on their browsing activities. Name the specific cookie providers like DoubleClick or Outbrain.

For each cookie category and individual cookie, briefly state the provider, purpose, type (first- or third-party), and typical lifespan if applicable. Avoid vague descriptions - be as specific as possible for each one. 

Managing Cookies

This section should guide users on how they can control cookie settings if desired. 

First, provide step-by-step instructions on how to modify cookie settings in the most popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer. Give details like where to find the relevant menu options.

Caution readers that restricting or disabling cookies may negatively impact website functionality. Certain features may break or work incorrectly if required cookies are blocked.

Mention any tools or settings your website provides for cookie management. This could include an opt-out page, privacy dashboard, browser extension, or other options to customize cookie consent.

Also point users to their device settings to restrict app cookies on phones and tablets. Provide instructions for iOS and Android.

Offer your assistance if users need help managing cookies related to your website. Provide your contact information in case they have questions.

Third-Party Cookies

Use this section to specifically discuss only third-party cookies from external domains. These raise more privacy concerns than first-party ones.

Start by listing out all third-party cookies present on your website based on your audit. Identify the specific cookie name, provider domain, purpose, and expiration timeframe if applicable. 

For each third-party cookie provider like Google or Facebook, give a brief background on their relationship with your website. For example, explain if they provide analytics services, host videos/ads, support social media sharing, etc.

Provide direct links to the privacy policies of all third parties. This allows users to review how they collect and process data from your website. Make accessing this information easy.

Reiterate that third-party cookie usage is disclosed in the policy and users can customize preferences. Encourage them to exercise consent rights if concerned.

Updates to the Cookie Policy  

This section demonstrates that your policy is actively maintained and leaves flexibility for future changes.

Note that you may occasionally update the cookie policy as your website's data practices evolve. However, significant changes impacting user privacy will be properly disclosed.

Describe how you will inform users about material policy updates. This could be through prominent website notices, announcement emails, or message pop-ups after logging in. 

If the policy is updated, encourage users to check the new version and contact you with any questions. Highlight the last updated date at the top.

Specify how long you will provide notice of changes before they take effect - for example, 15 or 30 days. This gives users time to review changes and adjust cookie preferences if desired.

Contact Information

Make it easy for users to reach out with any cookie policy questions and concerns.

Provide multiple contact methods - email address, contact form, phone number, and physical address if your company has one. Specify if certain channels are preferred.

List the department, role, or individual best equipped to handle cookie-related inquiries. This gives users a specific point of contact to direct their questions to.

If users need to exercise certain rights related to personal data, give instructions on how to submit those requests. Let them know if any verification details are needed. 

Assure users you take feedback on your privacy practices seriously. Thank them for taking the time to read the cookie policy. 

Date of Last Update

Prominently document when the cookie policy was last updated. This shows users how current it is.

State the exact date (month and year) when the policy was last edited and reviewed. If sections were recently added or updated, specify those changes.

Position the last updated date right at the top of the policy where it will be easily noticed. Users should see it immediately and know how recent it is.

Committing to regular policy reviews and updates is a best practice. Set a reminder to revisit your cookie policy every 6-12 months at minimum or when your data practices change.

Keeping your policy current demonstrates a commitment to transparency and building user trust. It also ensures you stay compliant as regulations evolve.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips that will make your cookie policy instantly more consumable:

  • Language & Tone: Use clear, straightforward language. Avoid excessive legal jargon.
  • Formatting: Use headers, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make the policy easy to skim and read.
  • Accessibility: Ensure the policy is accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. Consider font choices, colors, and any accessibility tools.
  • Legal Review: Once drafted, have the policy reviewed by a legal expert familiar with data protection and privacy laws in your jurisdiction.

TL;DR - High Level Overview On Writing A Cookie Policy For Your Website

Want a crispier version to get started with writing your cookie policy instantly?

Here you go:

Cookies and Legal Compliance

Cookies fall under the scope of data privacy laws like the EU's GDPR and California's CCPA. Your policy should demonstrate compliance with relevant regulations.

  • Note any required disclosures around cookie usage and user consent. 
  • Explain steps you take to meet data protection obligations for the jurisdictions you operate in.
  • Highlight compliance with industry standards like the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework.
  • Consider consulting a legal professional to review your policy, especially if just starting out. Getting proper legal advice can help avoid missteps.

User Consent for Cookies

Explain how you obtain appropriate consent from users for non-essential cookies.

  • Describe your consent mechanism like a banner or modal popup. Include any opt-in/opt-out choices presented.
  • Discuss how you record and manage user consent decisions for cookies.
  • Allow easy access to modify or revoke consent at any time. 
  • Outline steps if users don't consent to certain cookie uses. 

Data Collected by Cookies

Disclose what types of user data may be gathered by cookies.

  • Provide categories like online identifiers, usage data, geolocation, device/browser details. 
  • Explain whether any sensitive data like race, religion, health, or sexuality is collected.
  • Clarify if personal data is aggregated, anonymized, or pseudonymized.

Cookie Data Retention and Deletion

Discuss your retention practices and process for deleting cookie data.

  • Note retention periods for different cookie categories based on purpose. 
  • Describe how users can request cookie data deletion. Outline verification process if any.
  • Explain your cookie auto-deletion process, like deleting after sessions end.

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Readymade templates you can get started with

Here are three detailed cookie policy template examples for an ecommerce website, SaaS tool website, and business website:

Ecommerce Website Cookie Policy Template

Ecommerce Website Cookie Policy Template
Our ecommerce website, [CompanyName], uses cookies and similar technologies to provide our services and give you a better browsing experience. This Cookie Policy explains what cookies and other tracking technologies are, why we use them, and your rights to control them.

Please read this Cookie Policy carefully. If you have any questions or concerns about our use of cookies, please contact us at [email] or [contact form].

What Are Cookies?
Cookies are small text files placed on your computer or device when you visit a website. They allow the website to recognize your device and store information about your browsing activities.

There are two main types of cookies:
- Session cookies only last during your browsing session and are deleted when you close your browser. They allow sites to link your actions during a particular session.

- Persistent cookies remain on your device after you've closed your browser or shut down your computer. They allow sites to remember your preferences and settings across multiple sessions.

Cookies set by the website domain being visited are called first-party cookies. Cookies set by other domains are called third-party cookies. Third-party cookies enable third-party features and functionalities to be provided on or through the website (e.g. analytics, advertising, etc).

Why We Use Cookies
[CompanyName] uses cookies for the following purposes:

- Authentication and security - Cookies help us verify your account and device to deliver a secure shopping experience.

- Shopping cart - Cookies allow you to add products to your cart across multiple browsing sessions. They remember what is in your cart when you leave and come back to the site.

- Preferences and settings - Cookies help us remember your language preferences, location, and other settings to enhance your experience on our site.

- Analytics and research - Cookies help us learn how users interact with our site so we can improve its performance and design. We use Google Analytics for aggregated analytics of site usage.

- Advertising - Cookies are used to display relevant promotions and offers based on your interests. Our ads partner, [CompanyName], helps serve these ads.

The Specific Cookies We Use
[Detailed list of first-party and third-party cookies with their names, providers, purpose, type, and expiration timeframes]

Managing Cookies
You can control cookie settings and opt-out of non-essential cookies by modifying your browser settings. Browser-specific instructions are below:

[Instructions for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, etc]

Please note that restricting cookies may impact your ability to use all of our website features and services.

We also offer an opt-out page here [link] where you can choose to accept or reject certain cookie categories.

Our integrated cookie consent banner also allows you to customize your cookie preferences on our site before continuing to browse.

Contact Us
If you have any questions about our use of cookies, please email us at [email] or use our contact form [link].

This Cookie Policy was last updated on [date].

SaaS Tool Website Cookie Policy Template 

SaaS Tool Website Cookie Policy Template
[CompanyName]'s website uses cookies and other technologies to ensure site functionality, conduct analytics, and support advertising. This Cookie Policy details our practices regarding cookies and explains your options for managing them.

Please review this Cookie Policy carefully. You can contact us with any questions at [email] or via our contact page [link].

What Are Cookies?
Cookies are small text files that websites place on your computer or mobile device to uniquely identify your browser or device. They allow sites to associate your actions during a particular browsing session.

Cookies set by the website domain being visited are first-party cookies. Cookies set by other domains are third-party cookies. We use both first- and third-party cookies.

Cookie Types & Uses
Here are the main ways [CompanyName] uses cookies:
  • Authentication - Cookies help verify logged in users and support account security.
  • Site preferences - Cookies help us remember your preferred site settings like language, font size, layout, etc.
  • Analytics - Cookies allow us to analyze site traffic patterns and performance through Google Analytics.
  • Advertising - Cookies are used to display relevant promotions based on your interests while browsing our site and other sites.

Specific Cookies We Use
[List first- and third-party cookies by name, provider, purpose, type, and timeframe]

Managing Cookies
You can customize your cookie settings through your browser, device settings, or our in-site consent banner/opt-out page [link]:

  • Browser settings - Follow instructions for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.
  • Device settings - Visit settings on your phone or tablet to restrict app cookies.
  • In-site options - Use our consent banner or privacy dashboard [link] to accept, reject, or customize cookie consent.
Please note restricting cookies may impact your ability to use all our services.

Contact Us

Have questions about our use of cookies? Reach out at [email] or [contact form link].

This Cookie Policy was last updated on [date].

Business Website Cookie Policy Example

Business Website
[Company Name]'s website uses cookies to provide our online services and tailor content. This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are, what we use them for, and your options for managing them.

Please review this policy carefully. If you have any questions, you can contact us at [email] or [contact form link].

What Are Cookies?
Cookies are small text files placed on your device when you visit a website. They allow sites to remember your usage patterns, preferences, and settings.

First-party cookies are set by the site domain you are visiting. Third-party cookies come from other sites or web services.

Why We Use Cookies
Cookies allow our website to:
  • Remember your account login details so you don't have to re-enter them each visit
  • Analyze how users navigate our site so we can improve structure and content
  • Store language and location preferences you set to customize your experience
  • Deliver relevant promotions and ads both on our site and other sites
Our Specific Cookies

[List first- and third-party cookies used on the site by name, provider, purpose, type, and timeframe if applicable]

Managing Cookies
You can control cookie usage through your browser or device settings:
  • Browser settings - Follow instructions in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc to delete or block cookies.
  • Device settings - Manage app cookies in your phone or tablet settings.
  • On-site options - Use our consent banner or privacy dashboard [link] to customize cookie usage.

Restricting cookies may impact your ability to use all of our website features.

Contact Us

Questions about our use of cookies? Contact us at [email] or [contact form link].

This Cookie Policy was last updated on [date].

Frequently Asked Questions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Viverra ut feugiat id ipsum morbi. A ipsum massa consequat ut urna vestibulum enim. Mauris id dignissim eu donec. Nibh urna eu nisl volutpat ut purus amet habitant fermentum.

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